Internal event model

As explained in the Getting Started page, Stellio internally uses a Kafka message broker to decouple communication between the 2 main micro-services.

This communication is based on an event model inspired by the NGSI-LD API and does its best to follow the same design principles.

Currently, the following events are flowing inside the platform:

  • Operations done on entities through the NGSI-LD API (including batch operations)
    • Used by the subscription service to trigger notification if there are some matching subscriptions
  • Subscriptions and notifications
    • History of notifications raised for each subscription is stored by the search service
  • Identity and access management events sent by Keycloak
    • Listened by the micro-services to provision users, groups and clients, as well as their global roles and groups memberships
  • Telemetry events received from sensors

One core principle of the event model is that an event is atomic, i.e., it contains one and only one operation. So, for instance, if 5 entities are created in a batch operation, 5 events will be propagated to Kafka. In the same way, if 2 attributes are added to an entity, 2 events will be propagated.

Types and structure of events

Here is the list of supported events, accompanied by a sample payload:

  • Entity creation
    "tenantUri": "urn:ngsi-ld:tenant:stellio",
    "entityId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A4567",
    "entityType": "Vehicle",
    "operationPayload": "{\"id\": \"urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A4567\", \"type\": \"Vehicle\", \"brandName\": { \"type\": \"Property\", \"value\": \"Mercedes\"}}",
    "contexts": [
    "operationType": "ENTITY_CREATE"
  • Entity update

Same payload as when creating an entity, but with an OPERATION_TYPE set to ENTITY_UPDATE.

  • Entity replace

Same payload as when creating an entity, but with an OPERATION_TYPE set to ENTITY_REPLACE.

  • Entity deletion
    "tenantUri": "urn:ngsi-ld:tenant:stellio",
    "entityId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A4567",
    "entityType": "Vehicle",
    "contexts": [
    "operationType": "ENTITY_DELETE"
  • Attribute append
    "tenantUri": "urn:ngsi-ld:tenant:stellio",
    "entityId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A4567",
    "entityType": "Vehicle",
    "attributeName": "speed",
    "datasetId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Dataset:GPS",
    "overwrite": true,
    "operationPayload": "{ \"value\": 76, \"unitCode\": \"KMH\", \"observedAt\": \"2021-10-26T22:35:52.98601Z\", \"datasetId\": \"urn:ngsi-ld:Dataset:GPS\" }",
    "updatedEntity": "(entity payload after the append operation)",
    "contexts": [
    "operationType": "ATTRIBUTE_APPEND"
  • Attribute replace

Same payload as when appending an attribute, but with an OPERATION_TYPE set to ATTRIBUTE_REPLACE and no overwrite attribute.

  • Attribute update
    "tenantUri": "urn:ngsi-ld:tenant:stellio",
    "entityId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A4567",
    "entityType": "Vehicle",
    "attributeName": "speed",
    "datasetId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Dataset:GPS",
    "operationPayload": "{ \"value\":60, \"observedAt\": \"2021-10-26T23:35:52.98601Z\" }",
    "updatedEntity": "(entity payload after the update operation)",
    "contexts": [
    "operationType": "ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE"
  • Attribute deletion
    "tenantUri": "urn:ngsi-ld:tenant:stellio",
    "entityId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A4567",
    "entityType": "Vehicle",
    "attributeName": "speed",
    "datasetId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Dataset:GPS",
    "updatedEntity": "(entity payload after the delete operation)",
    "contexts": [
    "operationType": "ATTRIBUTE_DELETE"
  • Full attribute deletion
    "tenantUri": "urn:ngsi-ld:tenant:stellio",
    "entityId": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A4567",
    "entityType": "Vehicle",
    "attributeName": "speed",
    "updatedEntity": "(entity payload after the delete operation)",
    "contexts": [

Mapping of entity operations to internal event type

Below is a table summarizing the type of internal event triggered by Stellio for each entity operation:

Internal event Entity operation
ENTITY_CREATE Entity create
Batch entity create
Batch entity upsert
ENTITY_REPLACE Entity replace
ENTITY_DELETE Entity delete
Batch entity delete
Append entity attributes
Batch entity update
Batch entity upsert
Partial attribute update
ATTRIBUTE_REPLACE Replace attribute
Append entity attributes
Update entity attributes
Batch entity update
Batch entity upsert
ATTRIBUTE_DELETE Delete attribute
ATTRIBUTE_DELETE_ALL_INSTANCES Delete attribute (deleteAll mode)

Mapping to notificationTrigger in subscriptions

Starting from version 1.6.1 of the NGSI-LD specification, subscriptions support a new notificationTrigger member (see 5.2.12 for more details). The notification trigger indicates what kind of changes shall trigger a notification.

As entity related events are received using the internal event model, the following mapping is used by Stellio:

Internal event Notification trigger
ENTITY_CREATE entityCreated
ENTITY_REPLACE list of attributeCreated
ENTITY_DELETE entityDeleted
ATTRIBUTE_APPEND attributeCreated
ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE attributeUpdated
ATTRIBUTE_REPLACE attributeUpdated
ATTRIBUTE_DELETE attributeDeleted