Upgrading to 2.7.0

This note describes the necessary steps to upgrade to Stellio 2.7.0


Starting from version 2.7.0, Stellio supports NGSI-LD Tenants. Please read the multitenancy page for an explanation of the design and the way to configure and use them.

Renaming of properties

In the subscription service, two properties have been renamed:

  • application.entity.service-url has been renamed to subscription.entity-service-url
  • application.stellio-url has been renamed to subscription.stellio-url

Upgrade to TimescaleDB 2.11.1

The Timescale version has been upgraded to 2.11.1. A new Docker image is available on DockerHub.

The general upgrade procedure is described in the Timescale documentation and more specifically in the Docker upgrade section.

If using the docker-compose configuration provided in the Stellio repository, the upgrade can be done in this way (do not forget to do a backup of the database before starting the upgrade!):

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm postgres
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it stellio-postgres psql --host=localhost -d stellio_search -U stellio -W -X -c "ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE;"
docker exec -it stellio-postgres psql --host=localhost -d stellio_subscription -U stellio -W -X -c "ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE;"
docker-compose restart stellio-postgres stellio-search-service stellio-subscription-service